Posted on 12月 22, 2021
雅思官方还官宣了将在2022年全球推出 IELTS online考试模式,这一消息就像一支强心针,给所有考生带来希望, 不必再担心疫情反复影响考试取消。
- 2022年1月雅思纸笔考试取消场次

- 2022年1月雅思机考取消场次

- 2022年2月雅思纸笔考试取消场次

- 2022年3月雅思纸笔考试取消场次

我们Mexam对雅思各类考试形式(如雅思机考、 IELTS online )都非常了解,可以保证一站式帮助同学们安全、省心、快速考出理想分数!
Posted on 12月 20, 2021


- 需要在ETS网站上选择考试时间。
- 需要在中国香港考试局的网站上购买兑换券。
需要注意:在Address处选择“China”,如果之前不是“China”就点击页面右上角“Personal Information and Preferences”中进行修改。
- 登录ETS官网账号,选择“Register/Find Test Centers, Dates”;
- 选“Home Edition”和考试月份;
- 选择“Change Time Zone ”时区、具体要报考日期时间;
- 日期、时间无误后,选择“Register For This Test”。
- 进入付费页面输入兑换券;
- 所有都完成后,即可在您的主页看到Upcoming Tests处显示报名成功。
- 电脑:台式机/笔记本电脑。Win10或win8 操作系统版本、Mac OS X 10.5 或更高版本 (建议使用 10.13 High Sierra 版本) 的 Mac 电脑
- 浏览器:Firefox 或 Chrome 浏览器
- 扬声器:可以使用内置或外置
- 麦克风:可以使用内置或外置
- 摄像头:可以使用内置或外置,用于向考官 360 度展示房间




如在中国内地报名参加家庭版托福 iBT 考试,考生首先需购买兑换券,考试兑换券的费用为港币 1,995 元。该费用可以通过信用卡(MasterCard 或 visa)在线支付。
一周四天、一天 24 小时均可预约考试(世界标准时间,周六 18:00 至周三 18:00)。在报名系统中,考试预约会以你所在地的时间显示。
ETS 账户注册24 小时之后即可进行考试预约。
可以。考生参加考试的次数不受限制,但是 3 天内只能参加一次考试。
考试兑换券号码自发出之日起有效期为 12 个月,逾期将不予退款。
可以,你可以通过自己的 ETS 账户或通过联系ETS 来申请转考或退考。你必须在考试日期开始前至少提前 4 天申请退考才能收到部分退款,这是标准的托福IBT考试取消政策。
Posted on 12月 17, 2021
2021年10月21日, ETS官方宣布2022GRE家考正式上线中国大陆版,并更新中国大陆报名流程啦!

- 考生需要前往ETS授权的香港考试及评核局(HKEAA)官方网站进行购买考试兑换券,购买成功后收到考试兑换券号码。
- 进入ETS官网注册和预约GRE普通考试在家考试,个人账户的中国家/地区必须选择中国,付款时使用收到的考试券号码即可完成报名。
- 完成后,ETS官方会给考生注册邮箱发送一封确认电子邮件,包括GRE在家考预约信息与开启考试的链接。

电脑提前下载ProctorU插件,考试时监考将通过此插件远程监控考生电脑桌面;下载ETS secure browser,考试开始前监考会操作考生电脑打开这个程序,输入 Exam ID 、密码后开始考试。
GRE在家考只可以使用Chrome /Firefox 浏览器。
每 21 天即可参加一次考试,在任何连续的 12 个月内(365 天)最多可以参加 5 次。即使你取消了之前的考试成绩,这一点仍然适用。
考试兑换券号码自发出之日起有效期为 12 个月,逾期将不予退款。
- 你所在的国家或地区提供 GRE 普通考试在家考的选项。除伊朗外,目前全球所有其他地区都提供这一选项。
- 如果你计划在中国内地报名参加 GRE 普通考试在家考,首先需要先前往ETS授权的香港考试及评核局(HKEAA)官方网站购买考试兑换券,之后使用考试兑换券在 ETS 官网报名在家考。

Posted on 11月 24, 2020
What is Organizational Development and Why is it Important?
SaaS replaces the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. Learn more about SaaS, which is now a mainstay for businesses large and small.
With few exceptions, the IT business tools of the modern enterprise, whether a multinational conglomerate or a one-person operation, revolve around cloud computing and the “something-as-a-service” delivery method.
Network infrastructure, platforms, application software, and everything in between can all be accessed from anywhere, at any time, with nothing more than an internet connection.
Fiona Miller, CEO at Insight Group
While much of the cloud services available replace the need to purchase expensive hardware, Software as a Service (SaaS) supplants the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. In theory, SaaS transfers the costs associated with initial purchase, regular maintenance, and security management to a third-party vendor, which allows the client to expend resources on other, possibly more productive, endeavors.

Put simply, Software-as-a-Service is a licensing model in which access to an application is provided to the customer or client on a subscription basis. A third-party vendor controls access and takes responsibility for security, maintenance, and feature upgrades. The software is located on external servers rather than on servers located in-house and is generally accessed with a web browser over the internet.
While the source code for the SaaS applications is owned and maintained by the vendor, the data going into, and being generated by SaaS applications, is generally the responsibility of the customer or client. The data may be stored locally, in the cloud, or in some combination of both.
Posted on 10月 16, 2020
What are the advantages of SaaS?
SaaS replaces the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. Learn more about SaaS, which is now a mainstay for businesses large and small.
With few exceptions, the IT business tools of the modern enterprise, whether a multinational conglomerate or a one-person operation, revolve around cloud computing and the “something-as-a-service” delivery method.
Network infrastructure, platforms, application software, and everything in between can all be accessed from anywhere, at any time, with nothing more than an internet connection.
Fiona Miller, CEO at Insight Group
While much of the cloud services available replace the need to purchase expensive hardware, Software as a Service (SaaS) supplants the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. In theory, SaaS transfers the costs associated with initial purchase, regular maintenance, and security management to a third-party vendor, which allows the client to expend resources on other, possibly more productive, endeavors.

Put simply, Software-as-a-Service is a licensing model in which access to an application is provided to the customer or client on a subscription basis. A third-party vendor controls access and takes responsibility for security, maintenance, and feature upgrades. The software is located on external servers rather than on servers located in-house and is generally accessed with a web browser over the internet.
While the source code for the SaaS applications is owned and maintained by the vendor, the data going into, and being generated by SaaS applications, is generally the responsibility of the customer or client. The data may be stored locally, in the cloud, or in some combination of both.
Posted on 10月 16, 2020
Cloud computing: SaaS, IaaS or PaaS
SaaS replaces the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. Learn more about SaaS, which is now a mainstay for businesses large and small.
With few exceptions, the IT business tools of the modern enterprise, whether a multinational conglomerate or a one-person operation, revolve around cloud computing and the “something-as-a-service” delivery method.
Network infrastructure, platforms, application software, and everything in between can all be accessed from anywhere, at any time, with nothing more than an internet connection.
Fiona Miller, CEO at Insight Group
While much of the cloud services available replace the need to purchase expensive hardware, Software as a Service (SaaS) supplants the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. In theory, SaaS transfers the costs associated with initial purchase, regular maintenance, and security management to a third-party vendor, which allows the client to expend resources on other, possibly more productive, endeavors.

Put simply, Software-as-a-Service is a licensing model in which access to an application is provided to the customer or client on a subscription basis. A third-party vendor controls access and takes responsibility for security, maintenance, and feature upgrades. The software is located on external servers rather than on servers located in-house and is generally accessed with a web browser over the internet.
While the source code for the SaaS applications is owned and maintained by the vendor, the data going into, and being generated by SaaS applications, is generally the responsibility of the customer or client. The data may be stored locally, in the cloud, or in some combination of both.
Posted on 10月 16, 2020
The Future of Cloud-Based Products
SaaS replaces the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. Learn more about SaaS, which is now a mainstay for businesses large and small.
With few exceptions, the IT business tools of the modern enterprise, whether a multinational conglomerate or a one-person operation, revolve around cloud computing and the “something-as-a-service” delivery method.
Network infrastructure, platforms, application software, and everything in between can all be accessed from anywhere, at any time, with nothing more than an internet connection.
Fiona Miller, CEO at Insight Group
While much of the cloud services available replace the need to purchase expensive hardware, Software as a Service (SaaS) supplants the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. In theory, SaaS transfers the costs associated with initial purchase, regular maintenance, and security management to a third-party vendor, which allows the client to expend resources on other, possibly more productive, endeavors.

Put simply, Software-as-a-Service is a licensing model in which access to an application is provided to the customer or client on a subscription basis. A third-party vendor controls access and takes responsibility for security, maintenance, and feature upgrades. The software is located on external servers rather than on servers located in-house and is generally accessed with a web browser over the internet.
While the source code for the SaaS applications is owned and maintained by the vendor, the data going into, and being generated by SaaS applications, is generally the responsibility of the customer or client. The data may be stored locally, in the cloud, or in some combination of both.
Posted on 10月 2, 2020
SaaS and the cloud: A primer for IT pros
SaaS replaces the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. Learn more about SaaS, which is now a mainstay for businesses large and small.
With few exceptions, the IT business tools of the modern enterprise, whether a multinational conglomerate or a one-person operation, revolve around cloud computing and the “something-as-a-service” delivery method.
Network infrastructure, platforms, application software, and everything in between can all be accessed from anywhere, at any time, with nothing more than an internet connection.
Fiona Miller, CEO at Insight Group
While much of the cloud services available replace the need to purchase expensive hardware, Software as a Service (SaaS) supplants the need to physically purchase, install, and deploy application software throughout an organization. In theory, SaaS transfers the costs associated with initial purchase, regular maintenance, and security management to a third-party vendor, which allows the client to expend resources on other, possibly more productive, endeavors.

Put simply, Software-as-a-Service is a licensing model in which access to an application is provided to the customer or client on a subscription basis. A third-party vendor controls access and takes responsibility for security, maintenance, and feature upgrades. The software is located on external servers rather than on servers located in-house and is generally accessed with a web browser over the internet.
While the source code for the SaaS applications is owned and maintained by the vendor, the data going into, and being generated by SaaS applications, is generally the responsibility of the customer or client. The data may be stored locally, in the cloud, or in some combination of both.